A variety of Insurance is available in the Yucatan, including property and insurance, all at very reasonable rates. We have depended on David Ponce from Grupo Ponce y Associados SC for many years.
Contact: 999 942 9490 Extension # 125
Below is a sampling of different of the different types of coverage available, for more information, please call or email David Ponce.
Property Damage
• Coverage is for your home and the property contained therein, such as household appliances, electronic appliances such as:
- Fire or Explosion
- Falling trees
- Voltage variations
- Coverage for cleaning-up expenses of property damaged by any of the above mentioned perils.
- Coverage for expenses incurred when required to vacate the home for the purpose of being repaired.
- Coverage is provided against Rental Loss.
Hurricane and Flood
- Coverage for hurricane and flood, and contents loss in event of a storm.
- Coverage for expenses incurred by the Insured, for family, household workers or pets for damage accidentally caused to other persons and/or their property.
- Coverage for expenses incurred by accidents likely to occur to the Insured’s family inside and outside home, as well as accidents likely to occur to the Insured’s household workers while fulfilling their duties.
- Coverage for burglary, covering household appliances and personal effects.
Office Address: Calle 15 # 67 x 14 y 16 Colonia Yucatan Merida Yuc. Cp. 97050
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